Subscribe to our e-news to be notified as soon as we publish new events!
Ways to be involved with your local group to help raise funds for Avon Wildlife Trust

We can provide bird food to our local members with profits going to the wonderful work of Avon Wildlife Trust. 
Check out our price list page 
Also for sale: Christmas and greetings cards at our meetings, but also available for delivery locally. Have a look at our range HERE

Keynsham Wildlife Report 2022, a comprehensive record of the natural world in our local area compiled by local naturalist John Aldridge, is available at a very reasonable price of £1.50.

Please get in touch if you would like your sightings to be included.
We also welcome photos and videos of your wildlife sightings.

If you have any other fund raising ideas, we'd love to hear them.

For all the above please get in touch through e-mail: 
Recordings to our talks program on Zoom are now available for general viewing. If you missed a talk and want to watch the recording, then you will find the report of that talk in the list below and the video can be found at the bottom of the article. 
The original talks on Zoom required a donation with all profits made donated to Avon Wildlife Trust. So we are always happy to receive a donation for watching these recordings. If you would like to make a donation please e-mail us.
Friday 2nd August 2024: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published including a chance to join our trip to the Bristol Botanic Garden Bee & Pollination Festival, stuff for the kids this summer, and reviews of our outings.
Report: Field Trip - Summer Trees in Keynsham Park July 2024 - check it out HERE

A group of 13 met in Keynsham Memorial Park to see the summer trees. Some people were surprised that a few actually flower in July, namely the Indian Bean Tree (Catalpa bignoniodes) with its perfumed white flowers followed by long, thin bean-like pods, and the Large-Leaved Lime (Tilia platyphyllos) with its sweet-smelling flowers which are commonly used in linden-blossom tea. 

Thursday 4th July 2024: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published including some walks for July, Warmley Action Zone and The Big Butterfly Count.
Report: Field Trip - Slimbridge June 2024 - check it out HERE

On a lovely June Sunday morning, 16 of us were welcomed to the Slimbridge Wildfowl and Wetlands site by two of their expert guides, John and Roberta. We split into 2 groups, one of which went clockwise and the other anti-clockwise around the wider reserve area, the exact route being tailored to the best wildlife activity expected that day.

Thursday 4th June 2024: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published including information on #30DaysWild, The Festival of Nature, the Great Big Green Week and reviews of May field trips.
Report: Field Trip - Moths at Elm Farm May 2024 - check it out HERE

12 of us went to Elm Farm in Burnett on 25th May, and were met by our VC Philippa Paget and fellow moth expert Alan Bone for a brilliant moth morning! The moth trap had been set the night before, when it hadn't rained (phew) and was inspected when we arrived. 44 moths were lured by the bright light, and found the safety of egg boxes when they failed to escape.

Report: Field Trip - Forest of Dean May 2024 - check it out HERE

On a lovely sunny Saturday in early May, 19 of our members made the trip over the bridge to the Forest of Dean. We met up with the Pine Marten Ranger, Jamie Kingscott-Edmunds, (a previous pupil at Wellsway School in Keynsham!) and had a brilliant 2-hour walk around the Cyril Hart Arboretum where 31 pine martens had been re-introduced in 2019.

Tuesday 2nd May 2024: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published including information on No Mow May, Buzz Club, Hedgehog Awareness Week  and other May activities.
Tuesday 2nd April 2024: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published including the last talk of the season, the annual City Nature Challenge, making friends with molluscs, and Fungi film. 
Report: Field Trip - Leigh Woods March 2024 - check it out HERE

We had a great walk around Leigh Woods at the beginning of March, the forecast heavy rain and wind just ended up as a light drizzle. We were met by Sian, the Community Ranger, who was excellent at explaining how Forestry England managed the woodland for forestry, ecology and recreation.
We discovered how forestry harvesting works, the new coppicing project (linked to dormouse habitats) and the ongoing Whitebeam project.

Monday 4th March 2024: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published including our March talk, making room for wildlife and how to help bumblebees 
Report: February talk  Read more HERE
Elusive Marine Wildlife of the UK as seen from the shore... and the kayak!

At our February talk, the father and son combination of Rupert and Henry Kirkwood produced a most entertaining and interesting evening with lots of delightful tales backed with with superb video film and photographs. Definitely worth a read of the whole article and checking out their website and YouTube channels!
Friday 2nd February 2024: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE including our next talk and lots of other events this month
Wednesday 3rd January 2024: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE including our next talk, New Year's Resolutions for Nature, helping hedgehogs and bees and looking for rare spiders, plus many other events this month. 
Friday 1st December 2023: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published including our Christmas members evening with 4 short talks and festive refreshments open to all, climate changes to local wildlife, taking part in the New Year Plant Hunt and lots of ideas for nature talks.
Thursday 2nd November 2023: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published including our next talk "Green Planet - breathing life into our world" with Paul Williams from the BBC NHU, looking after hedgehogs this month, "8 out of 10 bats", National Tree Week and lots of other ideas for walks and talks.
Report: Annual Pond & River Dipping eventsSeptember 2023 - check it out HERE

This “double-header” of pond and river dipping in the last week of September is now becoming well-established, well-attended and very popular, for all ages!

Thursday 4th October 2023: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published including our first talk of the season with "Curlew Action", lots of other ideas for walks and talks, plus support #Brocktober and National Mammal Week. 
Tuesday 5th September 2023: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published including our program of talks for the Autum/Winter season 2023/24, pond and river dipping events this month, plus moth night at Durley Hill cemetery.
Report: Field Trip - Chew Valley Lake for Bird Ringing and Moth Trap, July 2023 - check it out HERE

Despite severe weather warnings for high winds and heavy showers, 16 members still felt it was worth the risk, and were not disappointed. In the warm and dry purpose-built hut, head bird ringer, Mike Bailey, gave us an informative and interesting talk about the history of bird ringing and recent advancements.

Report: Field Trip - Peregrines leave it late, but worth the wait! June 2023 - check it out HERE

On a hot, muggy late June afternoon 11 members met BOC Peregrine Falcon watcher Gareth to find out more about these magnificent and enigmatic avian raptors, and hopefully to see them.

Friday 7th July 2023: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published including the Big Butterfly Count, some wildlife walks and June review.
Report: Field Trip - Folly Farm, June 2023 - check it out HERE

Ten AWT members were invited to Folly Farm on the 10th June, on a warm and sunny day. Although thunderstorms had been forecast, they didn't materialise to mar our day! This is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) owned by Avon Wildlife Trust.

Friday 2nd June 2023: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published including the Festival of Nature and #30DaysWild this month.
Report: Field Trip - Priddy Mineries May 2023 - check it out HERE

At the end of May nine members met up with the invertebrate expert Ray Barnett for a field trip that linked up with Ray’s excellent “How to Read the Signs” talk given to the group last February. Priddy Mineries is on the outskirts of the village of Priddy on the Mendips. It is grassland/heathland mosaic with an area of valley mire and some nutrient-poor pools. The site was worked for lead for many centuries up to just before the First World War. The legacy is a landscape full of pools, mounds and spoil heaps. 

Report: Field Trip - Wildflowers of Keynsham Memorial Park May 2023 - check it out HERE

On Sunday 14th May, 15 of our members met up for a 2-hour walk around Keynsham Memorial Park looking at wild flowers, guided by committee member Liz Wintle. We were lucky to have a warm, sunny (and dry) day!

Thursday 4th May 2023: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published including news of two field trips this month, how you can help Hedgehogs during Hedgehog Awareness week and "No Mow May".
Report: Field Trip - Dave's Dawn Chorus April 2023 - check it out HERE

Our first field outing of the 2023 season in late April was “Dave’s Dawn chorus”, starting at Saltford shallows with a 4.30 am start, and led by chairman Dave Sage as usual. 12 of us enjoyed a magical morning, starting on the cycle track River Avon bridge near the Bird-in-Hand, listening with eyes closed as the robins and blackbirds started to sing. Very mindful, as some people noted! 

Report: March & April talks  Read more HERE

Both our last 2 evening talks of the season broke the mould in terms of the subject matter and of audience participation.
Our March talk: Climate change beneath our feet”, given by Emma Brisdion began by her asking the audience “Name one good thing you have done for the planet this week.”
The April talk, "Working Together for Food Justice" with Ped Asgarian was even more radical, with an unprecedented level of audience participation.

Sunday 2nd April 2023: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published with lots of great ideas for the month, including our talk this month "Working together for food Justice" with Ped Askarian, other talks and the start of our field trip season. 
Wednesday 1st March 2023: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published with lots of great ideas for the month, including our talk on 10th March "Climate Change under our Feet" with Emma Brisdion, an exhibition in Bath on Beetles, other talks and volunteering opportunities. 
Report: Reading the Signs, February 23  Read more HERE

Our speaker for February was one of our favourites, Ray Barnett, returning after an absence of several years. Ray has been based at Bristol Museum since 1989, and the Head of Collections and Archives for many years. Specialising in Entomology, Ray is also an all round passionate advocate for wildlife conservation.
“Reading the Signs” was subtitled: “what the bug life in our gardens reveals about our changing world.” In other words,  studying invertebrate communities in our gardens, and seeing how they have changed over time, gives us clues and hard evidence about the effects of environmental change (in particular, climate change) on these communities.

Wednesday 1st February 2023: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published with details of our next meeting "Reading the Signs - what the buglife in YOUR garden reveals about our changing world", Half price Avon Wildlife Trust membership during February, Nestbox week, and many other events this month.
Report: Seabirds of the Outer Hebrides, January 23  Read more HERE

At our January talk, Bob Medland took us on a fascinating journey to three very isolated but most interesting island locations east, west and north of the Isle of Lewis.
The three locations were the Shiant Islands which lie four miles east of the Isle of Lewis and twelve miles away from the Isle of Skye, the Flannan Islands (Also known as the Seven Hunters) which lie twenty-five miles west of the Isle of Lewis and finally North Rona which was once the most isolated permanently populated island in the British Isles.

Monday 1st January 2023: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published with details of our next meeting "Seabirds of the Outer Hebrides", RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch and other January events locally plus topping up your bird food for winter.
Thursday 1st December 2022: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published with details of our next meeting "A Christmas Celebration" and other December events locally, plus the latest Keynsham Wildlife report, and topping up your bird food for winter.
Try out our Christmas Wildlife Quiz!
At our Christmas meeting we enjoyed a wildlife quiz devised by committee member Rita. Such a clever quiz, it seemed a shame not to allow others to have a go. So click HERE to have some fun! Answers provided.
Report: Somerset Wildlands talk, November 22  Read more HERE

Our second talk of the season in the Baptist Church Hall attracted a great audience of around 50 people, it was great to be gradually getting back to the numbers who attended pre-Covid.
The speaker, Alasdair, is the founder and Executive Director of Somerset Wildlands (SW), a charity which he set up 2 years ago.
Alasdair first clarified what exactly the term “re-wilding” means: restoring land to an uncultivated / unmanaged state, and offered 3 different ways that this is being achieved.

Tuesday 1st November 2022: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our October newsletter has just been published - including our obituary to a very special lady, our long time secretary Cynthia, plus a look at what's on not only for our group but around the area. 
Keynsham Wildlife Report 2021 now available!
The latest annual wildlife report is now available . Compiled by John Aldridge each year, this details the wildlife found in and around Keynsham with multiple contributors to the report. Only £1.50 for this excellent piece of citizen science. Email us HERE to order your copy, or pick one up at our monthly meetings. 
Obituary Cynthia Wilson: 1933-2022

It is with great sorrow that we have to write about the passing of our dear friend and former colleague, Cynthia Wilson, who passed away peacefully this week, with her close family at her bedside, following a fall a week ago, aged 89. Our thoughts go out to her family at this sad time, but they should be immensely proud of all she has achieved in her long and active life. Read more about her wonderful work for Keynsham Group HERE

Report: Conflict in the Pacific - the Aftermath talk, October 22  Read more HERE

Our first meeting in the Baptist church hall since before Covid lockdown (that’s 2.5 years!) was attended by a good audience. The speaker, Michael Pitts, is one of our favourites, and it was his 3rd visit. The talk was unusual in that he outlined several key incidents / battles of WWII, in the Pacific, so it was more a history lesson at times!

Saturday 1st October 2022: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our October newsletter has just been published - including the start of our Autumn talks program with Michael Pitts, BART river detectives and the joy of podcasts.
Report: Pond & River Dipping September 2022 - Read the full report HERE
The last weekend of September had a watery theme for Keynsham’s Avon Wildlife Trust group. 30 enthusiastic under 7’s and their parents enjoyed a fun afternoon (in 2 sessions), dipping Wellsway school’s excellent pond for animals, mostly invertebrates. River dipping took place again in the River Chew at Dapp’s Hill on a clear, fine, mild autumn afternoon. In common with last year, there was an age limit of 7 years, any younger enthusiasts directed to pond dipping at Wellsway school the previous afternoon.
Thursday 1st September 2022: Our latest talks program goes live today. 
Check out our What's On page for details of all the upcoming talks
Thursday 1st September 2022: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our September newsletter has just been published - including release of our our latest program of talks, pond and river dipping events for the family, our latest BLOG and review of the summer field trips.
Report: Field Trip - Nightjars at Priddy, July 2022 - check it out HERE

Anyone attending our last trip of the season would have been disappointed if they were expecting to see a large diversity and number of species. Yet everyone agreed that the late evening walk in Priddy with bird experts Chris and Helena Craig was absolutely magical and a thrilling and memorable experience.

Report: Field Trip - Butterflies at Bannerdown, July 2022 - check it out HERE

It was a warm, dry and wind-free afternoon in July, when members Andy and Jane Daw led us around Bannerdown Common in search of summer butterflies. We were rewarded with a plethora of species within open grassland and natural woodland.

Friday 1st July 2022: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published - Jazz up your July with some Wildlife ideas this month - check out our walks and other activities this month plus why slugs are not quite the pests we all think they are!  
Report: Field Trip - Coastal Walk to Sand Point, June 2022 - check it out HERE

Following her superb Zoom talk earlier in the year, we were delighted that Dr Helena Crouch was able to lead 12 of us on a botanical walk along Sand Point, near Weston-Super-Mare. She expertly found, identified and described over 45 different plant species between the car park and the windswept headland, showing a wind range of adaptations to survive in the challenging conditions.

Report: Field Trip to Cley Hill, June 2022 - check it out HERE

Early in June we went on an exciting field trip to see native and tropical orchids in Cley Hill and Writhlington School. This was a follow-up to our Zoom talk last December by orchid expert and school teacher Simon Pugh-Jones. It was a perfect afternoon, and with the help of some very knowledgeable pupils we soon discovered five different species of native (hardy) orchids

Wednesday 1st June 2022: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published with #30DaysWild, return of the Festival of Nature, Saving the Chew talk, a new BLOG and May review.  
Report: Field Trip to Newton Park, May 2022 - check it out HERE
At the beginning of May 12 members met up with Robert Hargreaves, local bird expert, for a guided tour of Newton Park which followed on from his 2021 talk.
We spotted tree creepers who totally ignored us as they repeatedly spiralled up one tree after another looking for insects in the bark fissures.
Sunday 1st May 2022: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published with Hedgehog Awareness Week, Get Wild About Swallows Swifts and Martins, plus City Nature Challenge, No Mow May, exciting news of the Poole Harbour Osprey Project, reviews of the month and more. 
Report: The Coastal Plants of Somerset Talk, April 2022 - check it out HERE

Our final online talk of the season this April welcomed botanist Dr Helena Crouch. Helena is  Vice-County Recorder for the north part of Somerset on behalf the Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland and an active member of Somerset Rare Plants Group. During “The Coastal Plants of Somerset” she discussed the plants she studies on the Somerset Coast between the estuaries of the Rivers Avon and Parrot. Some of these have amazingly made their way inland to places like Bath and Keynsham, especially in the vicinity of salt storage facilities where conditions mimic those at the coast.

Friday 1st April 2022: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published with details of our next online meeting "The Coastal Plants of Somerset", plus City Nature Challenge, Peat Free April, reviews of the month and more. 
Report: Orchard - A Year in England's Eden Talk, March 2022 - check it out HERE

A secret ancient orchard in the heart of Herefordshire, was the subject of a long term study to understand the true value of this habitat for native wildlife by our March speaker, BBC natural history producer Nick Gates and fellow naturalist Ben MacDonald. “Orchard, a year in England’s Eden” is the title of the award winning book they have written about their work.

Tuesday 1st March 2022: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published with details of our next online meeting "Orchard - a year in England's Eden", plus the Great British Spring Clean and review of the Poole Harbour Osprey project talk. 
Report: The Poole Harbour Osprey Project Talk February 2022 - check it out HERE

In February we enjoyed another outstanding Zoom presentation in February as 58 screens shared an enthusiastic and inspiring talk on Ospreys, given by Liv Cooper, who works for the Birds of Poole Harbour charity, and is the projects coordinator of the Poole Harbour Osprey Translocation Project (PHOTP).
Ospreys are migratory raptors, arriving in the UK in March or April, breeding over the summer, then flying south from August to October to overwinter. Some travel as far as the Gambia or Senegal, others to SW Europe. Younger birds fly south, but often delay returning for 2 or 3 years until when they are sexually mature. Poole harbour is an excellent stopover location for these migrating birds.

Tuesday 1st February 2022: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published with details of our next online meeting "The Poole Harbour Osprey Project", plus the new look logo, Nest Box week, BLOG and reviews.
Report: Starling Murmuration Field Trip at RSPB Ham Wall, January 2022 - check it out HERE
A full group of members joined Dave Sage and Liz Wintle on the Somerset Levels in January, to see a sight we had been attempting to enjoy for 3 years! 
We met up with Lucy Starling and Terry Doman from Bath Naturalists Society, who were both very knowledgeable about the many birds we saw throughout the afternoon.
Report: The Glimmering World of Glow-worms Talk January 2022 - check it out HERE
In January a large audience listened in to an inspiring talk on glow-worms by Peter Cooper, an ecologist with the Derek Gow consultancy and an active member of the glow-worm project. So what is a glow-worm? Well, the Glow-worm is not actually a worm, but a medium-sized, narrow beetle. The only such species of beetle in the UK is Lampyris noctiluca.
Saturday 1st January 2022: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published with details of our next online meeting "The Glimmering World of Glow-worms", plus ways to look after wildlife this winter and the annual RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch.
Report: Bringing Beavers back to Britain Talk November 2021 - check it out HERE
What am I? I am a large, semi-aquatic rodent. I have a stout body with a large head, long chisel-like incisors, hand-like front feet, webbed back feet and a flat, scaly tail. I can be found in rivers, streams, lakes and ponds. I am herbivorous, consuming tree bark, aquatic plants, grasses and sedges. Once common in the UK, I was hunted to extinction for my fur and meat. Thankfully, I am making a comeback following some successful re-introductions all over the UK.
Thursday 2nd December 2021: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published with details of our next meeting "A Christmas Cracker" when we will be back in person at Keynsham Baptist Church, plus the latest Keynsham Wildlife report, and topping up your bird food for winter.
Report: Saving Land, Saving Species Talk November 2021 - check it out HERE
Many of us are concerned about our carbon footprint, especially after flying abroad. Something definitely worth considering is making a financial donation to the World Land Trust. Our group were fortunate to hear all about the charity from the inspiring Charlotte Beckham (no relation to David!), who has spent most of her adult life working for them.
Monday 1st November 2021: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published - how our two talks this month are relevant to COP26 and what else we can do to help nature recover.
Report: My World of Bats Talk October 2021 - check it out HERE
Our first Zoom talk of the 2021-22 season was given by Daniel Hargreaves, local bat enthusiast, expert and conservation champion. Daniel’s catchphrase is that he is “batty about bats”, and his CV is extraordinary, especially considering all his work is voluntary & unpaid.
Report: Pond & River Dipping September 2021 - check it out HERE
The last weekend of September had a watery theme for Keynsham’s Avon Wildlife Trust group. On Saturday afternoon, over 20 under-7s and their parents enjoyed pond dipping at Wellsway school, benefiting from the recently-installed dipping platforms. The following afternoon, river dipping took place again in the River Chew below Dapp’s Hill bridge, this time with over 7-year olds and parents.
Friday 1st October 2021: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest newsletter has just been published 
Details of our next 3 talks including next Friday 8th, "My World of Bats", our wildlife quiz for Keynsham kids - win a wildlife home for the garden, taking part in "Seed Gathering Season" and much more.
Wednesday 1st September 2021: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest September e-news is now out - including our new talks program, Keynsham Ecofestival this month, 30Ks Wilder Avon Wildlife Trust campaign and Blog/reviews of the month.
Wednesday 1st September 2021: Our latest talks program goes live today with a mixture of both Zoom and in person talks. We have taken this opportunity to review the entrance fees for our talks. Would you believe we have been charging £2.50 for well over 10 years, despite increases in hall and speaker costs. So it feels right as we return to a semblance of normality that we considered these increases.
From the start of the first meeting at the Baptist Church Hall in Keynsham (in December) we will be charging £3 entrance for members of Avon Wildlife Trust and £4 to non-members. This gives you a reason to be a member of the Trust, a perk! So if you aren't a member, consider joining HERE.
We are asking people to book in advance so we can plan not overcrowd our hall. If you are a non-member and pay in advance, for this season you can take advantage of the reduced cost of £3. 
Check out our What's On page for details of all the upcoming talks
Report: Arnos Vale Field Trip, August 2021 - check it out HERE
In August, Mary Wood, an extremely knowledgeable guide from the cemetery, took members of our group on a 2-hour guided wildlife walk around Arnos Vale Cemetery, opened in 1839 outside the Bristol city boundary. The site is located in the Arnos vale conservation area and has considerable ecological and heritage importance.....
Thursday 1st August 2021: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest August e-news is now out - including the Big Butterfly Count, hedgehog bonanza in St Francis Road and reviews of the month
Report: Troopers Hill Field Trip, July 2021 - check it out HERE
In July a group of members were treated to a very enjoyable guided walk of Troopers Hill Wood and Nature Reserve by Rob Acton-Campbell. The name of the hill has changed over years, but one theory to the present name is that troops were camped there during the Civil War, as there was such a good view of Bristol.....
Thursday 1st July 2021: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest July e-news is now out - including our talks survey, RSPB 100 year success, Avon Wildlife Trust raffle and Blog/reviews of the month.
Report: Grow Wilder Field Trip, June 2021 - check it out HERE
Our members were taken on a guided tour of the Avon Wildlife Trust Grow Wilder site by project manager Matt Cracknell, writes our field trip officer Liz Wintle.
Saturday 5th June 2021: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest June e-news is available - including our new website BLOG, #30DaysWild, Festival of Nature,  and May review
Report: St Kilda Talk May 2021 - check it out HERE
Our final Zoom talk of 2021 was given by NatureTrek guide, Sara Frost, who ensured our season ended on a high!
Entitled “Cruising to the edge of the world”, Sara gave a vivid and  evocative account of a 10 day cruise from Oban in Western Scotland to St Kilda, a remote cluster of 3 main islands, 40 miles North West of the rest of the Outer Hebrides.
Friday 30th April 2021: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest May e-news is now out - including booking our next online talk, St Francis Road Hedgehog Street project, NoMowMay, and the Bristol & Bath City Nature Challenge
Thursday 1st April 2021: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest e-news is now out - including booking our next online talk, The Wildlife Trust's April Fool, Somerset WT wildlife art auction and update on our swift nest box project.
Monday 1st March 2021: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest e-news is now out - including booking our next online talk, saying thank you to retiring secretary Cynthia, an RSPB activity for Spring, and Plantlife's "Spring into Action" campaign
Monday 1st February 2021: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest e-news is now out - including booking our next online talk, Nest Box Week this month, and some other Wildlife Trust events you may wish to attend.
Friday 1st January 2021: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest e-news is now out - including  booking our next online talk, update on our Swift box project, the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch later this month, and more!
Wednesday 2nd December 2020: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest e-news is now out - including how to book our upcoming talks, the Wildlife Trust's 12 days of Wild Christmas, how to have an alternative Christmas and more!
Monday 2nd November 2020: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest e-news is now out - including booking details of all our upcoming Zoom talks for this season, reviews of our latest talk and walk, the latest Keynsham Wildlife Report and how to buy bird food to support our group and Avon Wildlife Trust.
As we head into a new lockdown we wish all our subscribers, local members and your families continued good health. Keep safe, everyone!
Tuesday 20th October 2020: Live local to Keynsham & Saltford and need bird food? 
We can supply a variety of bird food to your home with profits donated to Avon Wildlife Trust. If you are interested in purchasing some foods please get in touch by e-mail Click HERE for our price list.
Friday 2nd October 2020: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Our latest e-news is now out - including details of our upcoming Zoom talks, Bristol Ecological Emergency Strategy blog by AWT CEO IanBarrett, improvements to the City to Sea Refill app, getting out in your garden with 
The Wildlife Trusts' Wild About Gardens and Bathscape Walking Festival
Tuesday 1st September 2020: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Includes how to book for our online talks this autumn, our pond and river dipping events for children, and how to help hedgehogs.
Saturday 1st August 2020: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Includes news of our plans for the autumn, and how to help swifts and butterflies.
Sunday 5th July 2020: Our latest e-newsletter is now available - check it out HERE
Includes the latest report "Wild Flowers or Weeds" from our field trips officer Liz Wintle, reopening of Avon Wildlife Trust's Grow Wilder, how to campaign for trees and much more.
June 2020: Ecological Emergency!
Before lockdown Avon Wildlife Trust Chief Executive Ian Barrett joined the Bristol mayor in declaring an ecological emergency in the city. Wildlife is struggling to survive throughout the UK, and 41% of species – including much loved butterflies and hedgehogs – are currently in decline. The Trust is working with other local authorities and partners to make sure that large-scale action is taken throughout Avon.
At that time Keynsham Group was starting a campaign to ask MPs to support changes to avoid this emergency. Due to the extreme situation we all then found ourselves in, the action was put on hold. However we are restarting this campaign and we are urging you to write to your MP to ask for their support in this matter.
We have created a document with bullet points which you can use to personalise your own response. To view the document where you can save or cut and paste excerpts click here or on the bullet point letter below. 
To find information on your MP visit the government website here. Please include your address when writing to enable you to receive a response back from your MP.
Protecting wildlife for the future
Keynsham Group
Avon Wildlife Trust
Registered charity 280422
